Important Notice to Dynamics SL Customers
Microsoft CustomerSource Retirement – Prepare for New Site Launch
To create a better and a more unified experience for Dynamics On-premises customers, on February 15, 2021, Microsoft CustomerSource website will retire, and a new site will launch.
In preparation for this move, Dynamics SL customers should bookmark this Resource page to access content currently offered on CustomerSource. Upon the website retirement date, customer will be directed to the new website experience.
Your current CustomerSource login and password will continue to be required to access the new website to download hot fixes, new product versions and to access Customer Business Center.
Microsoft New Technical Support Experience
Microsoft is working to streamline and improve the support experience across our product portfolio. As part of this effort, they are consolidating workflows from legacy portals to their new modern support experiences.
Microsoft is updating the technical support experience for Dynamics customers. As part of this change, you will no longer be able to create and view technical support requests at as of October 1, 2020.  After October 1, 2020, SL customers can log and manage incidents on Services Hub at
*** This change only has an impact where customers create and view technical support incidents. ***
Keeping our Customers Informed
As your Microsoft Dynamics SL Partner, we will continue to keep you up to date of these changes and any additional news that you need to know. Please Contact SIS with any questions regarding these changes.